Monday, October 12, 2009

Techie prefecture + animation studio

I guess we're in the Tokyo Anime Center here! Go us! Amazing what you can find when you wander into random buildings...

A big cardboard cutout featuring UP! I don't know if the studio or company collaborated with Pixar in producing the animation featured in the film...we didn't really understand much about the exhibit/room with people and pictures in it or what they were doing there. We just took pictures of the colorful stuff...

A big pink robot and myself. There were a lot of life size models in the exhibit area.

We only chanced upon this studio, we didn't really know what we were looking for or what the attractions were, but a whole lot of people were there looking at a screen that wasn't playing anything special enough for me to remember. It looked like a bunch of clips from an anime we didn't recognize, but it had random bits and commercials playing as well. We were there for about 20 minutes and nothing changed and no one did anything. It was a mystery.

Bret looking at some storyboards and first round sketches. We weren't familiar with the particular anime being showcased, but it was still interesting. There were some 3-d looking digital media stills that looked really cool.


  1. I really like this whole photo blog thing. I don't think I'd give a shit if you were some random internet people, but being Brett and Angela, it makes it kind of cool to be able to visualize everything you are seeing and experiencing. Thanks for doing it, I look forward to these posts :P

  2. Thanks! I try not to make it annoying and about me, but rather how interesting Japan is. I've read lots of travel blogs in the past and really didn't want to give off the whiney "listen to everything i'm feeling and experiencing at every moment" vibe
