Saturday, October 24, 2009

The night bus

Hypothesis: If we take the night bus from Tokyo to Shikoku , it will be an effective means of travel. We will get to sleep while traveling and it will be interesting. Like when Harry Potter took the Knight Bus in book 3.

Procedure: Take 600 pounds of luggage and travel on foot to nearby train station (approx ¾ of a mile away). Find elevator to avoid the flight up and down stairs required to access the platform. Board train to Ikebukoro. Exit train and try to find elevator to avoid another flight down stairs to access Ikebukoro Station. Travel through station to the other side and find another elevator to avoid flight up and down stairs required to access the platform. Board train to Shinagawa. Exit train and attempt once more to find elevator to move luggage from the platform to the station exit. Find bus station and take 600 pounds of luggage the remaining 1/2 mile on foot. Rest. Board night bus. Wake up in Shikoku feeling refreshed.

Test: 600 pounds of luggage is a lot of luggage. Found elevator. Boarded train to Ikebukuro. Exited train and were unable to find elevator. Dragged luggage down two flights of stairs. Rested. Traveled though Ikebukuro station with bulky luggage, knocking stray children aside as we went. Unable to find elevator to required platform. Dragged luggage up two flights of stairs. Received help from passers by and made the train just in time. Rested. Exited train station and found elevator. Looked for bus station. The bus station was further away than we anticipated. Trudged the mile to the station, taking breaks at 5 meter intervals. Finally arrived at station. Rested. Attempted to put luggage in storage compartment on side of bus. Rapid Japanese was muttered in our direction. Driver points at luggage storage compartment and makes an X with his arms. Confusion ensued. After 15 minutes of more rapid Japanese, none of which was understood, driver and front desk staff pull 600 pounds of luggage onto bus and directed us to take it to the back. Lifted 600 pounds of luggage up and carried it to the very back of the bus. Awoke tired and sore.

Results: Travel from home to end station plus 12 hours of night bus riding resulted in back pain, blistered palms, and little sleep. Other passengers were passed out, reeking of alcohol, which was unpleasant. Seats were highly uncomfortable, worse than airplane seats.

Conclusion: The night bus should not be taken by anyone. Ever. Nothing like the experience described by JK Rowling in Harry Potter, book 3.

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