Thursday, October 8, 2009

The day mosquitos got the best of me

It was turning out to be a nice day. The typhoon had exhausted itself and in its wake was one of the best sunny days we've had here in Tokyo. We went to the civic center in Bunkyo and rode the elevator to the very top, where there is a viewing room. You really could see all of Tokyo! Sadly, the mountains in the background were a bit obscured. Also, it'd be nice to get some night shots when the city is all lit up.

This is Shinjuku at a distance

This picture, my friends, is the beginning of the end. See how we're happy and holding up our park tickets? We were psyched about finding this private botanical garden called Koishikawa Korakuen. It's also a historical park, and has lots of cool trees and ponds and bridges. We thought we'd have a great time looking at all the cool shrines (some of which were hundreds of years old) and trees and nice scenery.

BUT NO. First, let me preface this by saying the mosquitos here are a force to be reckoned with. Our first couple of days were spent fighting the sneaky, ugly bugs off (they hide from you when you swat at them and then come out later, they are the devil) and ensuring all doors and windows were tightly closed off. I always get bitten, and the bumps swell up horribly, so I have newfound disgust and fear of them. As soon as we got into the parks I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. I looked down at my arm, and there were about three big dark mosquitos feasting away at me already. Also, BAD DAY TO WEAR SHORTS!

See all the stagnant water? It was like mosquito hell!

I was horrified. I'd swat at them but they'd buzz away and come back with five more friends, it was a nightmare. We barely stayed twenty minutes before I ran out of there. I have about fifty mosquito bites on my legs and arms now, and already used up all the benedril cream I brought with me from the US on the first round of blood suckers, so we stopped by the drug store for more. The funny thing about going to the drug store (we'd gone once before when we both had the flu and went in looking for cough medicine) is that there's no way you can verbally communicate what's wrong with you, so Bret and I mime our symptoms. When we had the flu, we pointed to our throats and noses and made sad faces, and when we went in today, Bret pointed at my legs (the bites were visible from a distance) and I mimed scratching them. He gave us this! We had a choice between regular and extra strength. Why bother asking if we want regular? We're from AMERICA. Americans don't regular strength ANYTHING. :P

Well, the park was lovely, we might go back another time, though probably not again during the summer months because I feel lucky enough to have escaped the first time. Maybe sometime in the winter. Here are some more photos!

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