Monday, April 26, 2010

Naruto Whirlpools

waaah waaaah waaah

This was not exciting. the picture of the whirlpool below is from wikipedia. all we saw was slightly frothy water in the vague shape of an oval and we were there an hour before peak time and stayed until well after. 1 out of 5 stars for this one.

then again, it was really difficult to top the hours of monkey entertainment of the previous day. It was 3.50 to go and hang out with monkeys for as long as you wanted. it was 8 dollars to see relatively normal water and a bridge museum


  1. You had to pay to stand near a bridge? Also when did you dye your hair blonde? And when did Bret start wearing skirts? I'm confused.

  2. No, you had to pay to go on the private walkway under this suspension bridge that had glass floors and viewing points directly over the whirlpool. So you could see it from the top, looking down
