Friday, January 29, 2010

Drunken English Practice

English Conversation Requests: they don't happen often, but they certainly do occur. Usually an elderly person who doesn't get an opportunity to practice very often, will sidle up next to me on the train and ask me, "Can we speak in English?" So i was like, whatevs. Tonight it was an old man who smelled quite strongly of whiskey and shochu. He told me that he had lived in the city of Shikokuchuo (where I work on Fridays and Saturdays) for 68 years. He didn't specify how old he was, but there is a ballpark right there. He spoke at a near deafening volume, and all the highschoolers thought it was pretty funny. They probably spoke similar levels of English. Its pretty remarkable how many people in Japan speak a second language. He told me about climbing Mt. Ishizuchi, one of Japan's sacred peaks and the guardian (typhoon-wise) of our town Saijo, and asked me about my home. It was pretty cool, but he had to get off after not too long. I think the seat next to me smelt like whiskey for about two stops after that =)

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