You can't exactly tell from the picture, but this here is a really cool hill/slide thing. There were a bunch of yellow plastic sleds in the shed next to it. Bret and I would race kids down. Sometimes the sleds would get turned around midway down and they'd slide down backwards, it was pretty funny.
This was the sign next to the ninja training course we found. It totally was too, believe me. You could become a full-on ninja if you did the course every day. It was intense
Why is Carl the cutest Japanese child in the world? Why? Maybe some of the GEM school teachers can help me out with this one, but it's a mystery to me. LOOK HOW CUTE!!!! skjhfeskfhu!!!!
Bret hanging out with Roger on Sports Day. We ran around with a bunch of Japanese kids that we teach and played games with them. It was fun being in a different environment and just being silly and not serious. Of course, I had a hard time with names outside the context of the classroom. I'd feel so bad when a kid would toddle up and be all, "Hallo, Angela-sensei!!!" and I'd be like, "!!!"
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