Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Princess and the Pea

Not really, more just, "The Tale of our Bed in Japan" but the other title seemed more catchy and it does bear a slight resemblence to our current situation.

Despite our comical bed set-up, it is actually MUCH better than the single sheet of granite that they called a bed in our guest house in Tokyo. Ugh. I loathed that thing. As you can see from the pictures below, we have a mattress, and about four futons (japanese mattress pads) beneath our fitted sheet. I don't mind it, but Bret complains, making him the princess in our story (KIDDING). He has back issues, and luckily I don't, so it's not really fair to tease him.

Anyways, we've been allotted about 7000 yen (approx 75 dollars) to buy a new bed, but it's sort of impossible, even with all the used/goodwill stores in our area. Bed sets just don't come in that price range. If we wanted true upgrade, it would be a couple of hundred dollars, not 70. However, CHALLENGE--ACCEPTED. We're on the hunt! Stayed tuned for further adventures of "Bret and Angelina Buy a New Mattress"! Yes, our lives are exciting, we know :)

Haha, look at the little gimp mattress on the bottom. I appears to be Christmas themed! At least that's something, haha.

Of course, when you've put sheets and blankets on it, who'se to know?

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