Thursday, April 11, 2013

Momo Updates

Momoko is doing great. She's good with kids and loves other dogs. She's always trying to play or smell every dog she passes. 

We are having her spayed tomorrow morning so hopefully she recovers quickly and forgets that it happened...

Her and Behachi (the other resident dog) are getting along pretty well considering Behachi harbors a strong disdain for other dogs. They played together last week in the woods for about 30 seconds but today I took them to a sandbar on the river fed by the sea and they were ecstatic. Well, Behachi was so psyched about the fine, grey sand there that he went crazy digging and leaping for joy and his good mood transferred onto playing with Momo. They played and jumped all over the sandbar and even into the river. I got dragged into the river at one point (because I had to keep Momo on-leash as she's still a flight risk) and was covered in seaweed, sand and water by the end of it.

Everything is turning out fine! 


  1. I love this! I can't wait for you to be back here, I will walk your pups with you any day, I happen to have access to a great beach in gig harbor ;)
