Watch out for touch devils. This is a sign basically instructing you what to do in case of being fondled or otherwise molested on a crowded train. Hilarious. If you see it, or if it happens to you, call out, notify those around you. Hilarious.
This guy looks straight out of Dragon Ball Z, flying on his cloud while holding his magic scroll. I have no idea who he is, and neither does anyone else.
Please send all requests of advice to this man, because, apparently, he is the best.
Yes, I am an adult. Baffling though it may be, I still find time to make hapless mannequins make rude gestures.
A friend of ours in his halloween costume - a yanki. Basically spot on, from the hair down to the germstoned hello kitty sandals, squatting down like so in parking lots of convenience stores, loitering while smoking cigarettes. A yanki, annoying and funny to watch, these guys will do anything to rebel and they don't seem to notice that their sense of style is hilarious.
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