Fanta. I didn't really pay attention to it until my friend Megan asked me to send her some white peach flavor, but now, I can't pass a vending machine or the beverage isle without inspecting the selection of Fanta flavors. Like the Kit Kats of blog posts past, they come in seasonal flavors that know no bounds. They do not really follow any particular release schedule pattern, they just show up and are random and occassionally delicious.
Although my source of knowledge on the subject (thank you Heath) has told me that white peach will not be around until next summer (it's a seasonal mainstay) I can't help looking for it, hoping there's some overstock lying around somewhere. Then I saw this one, pictured above. It had a peach on it! Wait, it's not white, it' is this? U.S.A. HIPHOP? HIPHOP is one word here? I don't know what kind of crazed fruit medley lies within this beverage but if you want in on the Fanta madness, let me know and you may find it in your next "random from Japan package"
Other fun flavors I've seen:
The all year rounds: orange and grape
Cassis, pictured below
Cider (it was white and said zero calorie. I hate diet anything so I passed)
white peach
New York Apple (also part of the "Fanta 'round the world" campaign they are half-heartedly peddling over here. I think the idea was to release a flavor for different areas, but they don't seem to be releasing them with any dedication. Now and then regular old whacky flavors come up without the world theme)
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