Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bret got his driver's license!!!

I'm just going to gloss over the fact that I yet again grazed the curb with the back tire of the practice car during the S-turn which is LITERALLY four feet wide, and offer my congratulations to Bret, who finished the test flawlessly. 

We came prepared this time! I had memorized all the directional words and numbers I thought would be necessary and our driving instructor was actually nice! Even during the explanation/introductory portion of the exam, when everyone gets rounded up and explained the general procedure and rules, I understood a little under half of what he was saying! A LITTLE UNDER HALF. (Mostly due to his pantomiming of the curb situation and making his index fingers into an 'X'. )I guess they really hate it when you hit the curb. Tell that to the many, many Japanese cab drivers we've had so far. They treat the sidewalk like the road here. Anyways, still not bitter! Very happy for Bret. 

I'm going back this Friday by myself... 

PS. As I write this, a man is obnoxiously singing and intermittently talking into a megaphone outside of our house. That's right, A MEGAPHONE, also listed under Wikipedia as a speaking-trumpet, bullhorn, blowhorn, or loud hailer--a portable, usually hand-held, funnel cone-shaped device whose application is to amplify a person’s voice towards a targeted direction. That direction usually being me. How does no one complain about this and/or put a stop to it. People shouldn't be allowed to just sing into megaphones in private residential areas whenever they feel like it!!! THIS IS WHY WE ARE MOVING TO THE COUNTRY

This happens a lot in this neighborhood. Also, there is a recording of a woman talking/giving instructions in Japanese whenever the recycling and garbage truck comes and Bret and I couldn't figure out what it was for longer than I'm willing to admit. In any case, they are big on the megaphone here. 

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