Facebook. Let's talk about it. For those who don't use/want to talk about facebook, just...skip this. It's my blog and I can say what I want. You know where I don't say what I want? Facebook. Because no one wants to hear it!
Item one: The relationship people
You are in a relationship. You looooovvvvee someone. You're "facebook official." Here's a thought, WE GET IT. Stop writing on each other's walls about how much you love that person. Stop checking up on their page and writing mushy gushy nonsense JUST IN CASE someone forgets that you are indeed in a relationship. Aren't there better ways of being territorial? Shouldn't you be building an electric fence or secretly (or maybe not so secretly, the way some people cavort about) installing tracking chips into each other? Just stop it. The saddest thing is when someone's page is filled with nothing but posts from/about/to their boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/whatever. Just stop.
Item two: The political agenda people
I don't care what your political agenda is. Stop inviting people to "I hate Obama groups" Or "I love Obama groups" or whatever else you can think of. Go on a news.com site and contribute to a comment thread with the rest of the crazies. I am tired of you.
Item three: Newsflash
People see what you post. Amazing, right? So....if you don't want people to see your embarrassingly revealing updates, get blog.
Item four: The Mundane
If "what's on your mind?" is completely repetitive, academia exclusive, or just plain boring, don't post it. Especially not every day. Please. I don't care if you're taking the GRE's, psyching yourself up for the GRE's, got a good score on your practice GRE, etc. Amp yourself up about your boring life by writing it on your bathroom mirror in lipstick. Or, get a blog.
Other than that, feel free to send event invites, so that I can know where I am going, general goodwill, relevant questions and concerns, or post your pictures. Because you know what? I'm pretty sure that's what it used to be.